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Ikona poruka Tema: VRATI ORUŽJE, A KARABIN OSTAVI ZA SVINJOKOLJU Odgovori Pošalji novu temu
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Autor Poruka
Matora kljusina foruma
Matora kljusina foruma

Pristupio/la: 21.Srpanj.2006
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 284
Citiram bosut142 Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 16:25
hehe,imam ja jos nekih ideja za montazu!
Vi stegnite remen,bando lopovska
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Gazda foruma
Gazda foruma

Pristupio/la: 25.Siječanj.2003
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 604
Citiram Buban Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 17:23

Who are your friends from Croatia? From witch party of Croatia they come from? Maybe Dalmatia, Hercegovina, Bosnia, Iffina Hole, Buban, ..
Originalno napisano od Nastygirl

Thank you all for the nice messages. I will hang arround in this forum a bit it helps me to understand Croatian a bit more:).
My nickname may be nastygirl but I am not a nasty person.
I use the nick in wow but my real name is Renee.
There is not much to tell about myself then I am from Holland and I don't use weed :P even though you can get it cheap on every corner here.
I have a few Croatian friends and they are great :)))) one in special.
Great to meet you all here and who knows we will meet one day :).

Editiran od Buban - 10.Veljača.2007 u 17:24
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master Yoda
Matora kljusina foruma
Matora kljusina foruma

Pristupio/la: 06.Studeni.2006
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 384
Citiram master Yoda Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 17:28
I have a few Croatian friends and they are great :)))) one in special.
Great to meet you all here and who knows we will meet one day :).
Tell us something about this special frend!
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Monsinjor Djipa
Matora kljusina foruma
Matora kljusina foruma

Pristupio/la: 23.Studeni.2006
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 195
Citiram Monsinjor Djipa Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 17:49
Uuuuuuuuuuuu.... da je svima znat koji je taj ''spešl frend''... hocemo li moci zaspat od muke a?

U bogovima svojim nek nikad ne nadju spas !!!
U ono vrijeme rece Isus apostolima : ''Odvadite mi za pljugu''
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Bolji korisnik
Bolji korisnik

Pristupio/la: 30.Siječanj.2007
Lokacija: Kyrgyzstan
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 63
Citiram kulenko Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 19:18
E sad sam bio sa Rošicem na kavi i osjecam se kulturno prosvjecen od njegovog vristanja i budalizma u civilizaciji...
Rosic svijet bez tebe bi bio tamnije mjesto i NEMOJ OPERIRAT USI KONJU :)
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master Yoda
Matora kljusina foruma
Matora kljusina foruma

Pristupio/la: 06.Studeni.2006
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 384
Citiram master Yoda Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 20:02

Predpostavljam da je taj "posebni prijatelj" darovao nešto posebno!

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Matora kljusina foruma
Matora kljusina foruma

Pristupio/la: 19.Veljača.2006
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 126
Citiram iivansi2 Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 21:27
haha pa iz gradista Big%20smile

iivansi2 once again :)
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Bolji korisnik
Bolji korisnik

Pristupio/la: 08.Veljača.2007
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 11
Citiram Nastygirl Odgovorbullet Poslan: 10.Veljača.2007 u 23:57
If you doubt where I am from I am not from your neighbour town :P check my ip address you will see I am from Holland.
My friends are from Gradiste and they are great my special friend lives in Gradiste aswell :)))))))) and hes the best :)

Editiran od Nastygirl - 11.Veljača.2007 u 00:01
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master Yoda
Matora kljusina foruma
Matora kljusina foruma

Pristupio/la: 06.Studeni.2006
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 384
Citiram master Yoda Odgovorbullet Poslan: 11.Veljača.2007 u 08:28
Tell us there names?
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Gazda foruma
Gazda foruma

Pristupio/la: 25.Siječanj.2003
Online Status: Offline
Poruke: 604
Citiram Buban Odgovorbullet Poslan: 11.Veljača.2007 u 09:35
Nađi uljeza !

Editiran od Buban - 11.Veljača.2007 u 09:36
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